Tuesday, 5 February 2008

# 19 Children kinder enfants


Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Jon - Ralph Siegel is one of the most important composers in ESC history, having contributed some lovely melodies over the years (although he has also been responsible for some complete clunkers).

This is another pretty song, competently performed - but it does suffer somewhat from bland onstage presentation and a very confusing final section where we have English, French and German all competing with each other in the mixing and turning into a babbling mess.

But I certainly wouldn't call it the worst effort in 1985...

Anonymous said...

I don't know....I saw the words Children Kinder Enfants and I thought "Oh no..."

To be honest I think the title is worse than the song. You can't get more trite really - kiddies in several languages.

It ambles along at a slowly playful pace, but I'd never choose to play it. I think there are many better Siegel entries (and I'm predicting a big difference of opinion when we get to Germany 03!)