Sunday, 20 January 2008

# 6 Where are you?

The UK didn't always used to be bad at Eurovision. We did churn out some quite good stuff every now and again as this smashing performance from Imaani in 1998 clearly shows.

Yes, I'm biassed.


Anonymous said...

Yes, fantastic performance by Imaani and the backing singers of a strong and contemporary (for the time) entry.

The late 90s was certainly the last time the UK presented a credible challenge for the Eurovision crown. I'd give anything for another one like this at the moment - tellingly, in the decade since this came second, the UK have only had one other top-drawer entry (and not the one you might think!).

Mind you, I am tempted to ask "Where Are You?" about Imaani herself. This song was a top ten hit in the UK, and I always thought she'd go on to a solid career...

Anonymous said...

It's a classy song. But for me it never quite soars.

Useful for those domestic Eurovision moments though, when you temporarily can't find your other half. I rarely resist an opportunity to break into song!