Thursday, 7 February 2008

# 20 Ka' Du Se Hva' Jeg Sa'

I make no apology for the fact that this song, sung by "Hot Eyes" in the 1988 Eurovision does much to stimulate the over-production of serotonin in my simple, naiive mind. It has nothing to do with the fact that Denmark ranked 3rd at the end of the contest behind Celine Dion and the UK's Scott Fitzgerald.

Quite apart from being one of the most difficult song titles to pronounce, Ka' Du Se Hva' Jeg Sa' epitomises everything which is simple, naff and shamelessly bright and perky. The performance is nothing but pantomime - just look out for the shameless amateur dramatics at the end involving the guitar and the conductor - and yet despite that I find it charming. Post-modern irony or people stuck in a time warp? It's very difficult to say. I do, however, have a recording of it on my phone and listen to it often, sometimes daily.

It was in fact the very song I was listening to when this smashing little picture was taken. Earlier on that morning, shortly before I ran off to catch a train to Manchester for a meeting, I learnt I'd be working on a website I've always rather fancied the idea of being involved in. It would be no exaggeration to say that I had a spring in my step all the way down to the station. I was one seriously happy bunny.

And if you're wondering which website I'm talking about it, I'd suggest you just have some kind of random stab in the dark. Your first guess will almost certainly be correct (and no, it's not a porn site).


Anonymous said...

I think you're spot on with your comments on this one, Jon, although I think it's the least memorable of the three wonderful products of the Hot Eyes factory in the 1980s.

From the unnecessarily high kicks of the dancer at the beginning to the guitar shenanigans with the conductor it's a gently outrageous performance.

Great pic by the way. Your eyes follow the viewer all round the room. I've guessed the website. Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Well, whilst I think third place was a tad generous, this is yet another lovely example of the classic Eurosongs churned out by the Danes throughout the 1980s.

It's no mean feat to belt out a tune when you're eight months pregnant, but Kirsten does a great job. As for Søren...well, once again, he should have stuck to just writing the music. And once you get past the almost impenetrable title, the lyrics are excellent.

The arrangement's a bit too sparse for me to really mark this entry highly, but it's certainly a lot of fun. And further proof that if any Eurovision Song Contest needed the fashion police, it was 1988!

Anonymous said...

I also am a fan of this song :) Another great Hot Eyes track. My second favourite of their Eurovision songs after Det Lige Det. Also like their 1987 Danish Song for Europe entry Farvel Og Tak (which is on YouTube) but it only made 5th in the Danish competition.

I think the dancers are very kitsch but maybe primarily a distraction for Kirsten's obvious pregnancy? She couldn't really move around as she did in previous years ;)

Great song though and to quote Terry Wogan - "This woman is heavily pregnant but singing like a dream" :)